Illustration with young people who talk and they have above them chat bubbles

The importance of communication among therapists

Angelina Chatzaki

A very important aspect of the profession is maintaining constant communication with the colleagues and the interdisciplinary team. Of course it is not easy. Hopefully there is the Synopsis app.

The importance of communication among therapists

The responsibilities of professional therapists are wide-ranging, and they typically include assessments, sessions, parent briefings, goal setting, and preparation of progress reports. However, a very important and unmistakable aspect of our profession is maintaining constant communication with our colleagues and the interdisciplinary team.

Most of the time, we come across patients who join more than one treatment program, and this includes children and adults. Thus, the therapists working with the same patients, besides conducting one-to-one communication with them, must necessarily build an interactive link with the person in charge of the specialty. It is usually done in person, over the telephone, or through written notes in the patient’s file.

Though it may sound easy, those of us working in the special education sector must be aware that it is far from so. It happens very often that the therapist does not have enough time to write notes, work the same hours as her colleague, or cannot manage to extract time outside work hours to communicate over the telephone. It’s also observed that with so many people working together, vital information originating from different chats is lost altogether.

So, could there be a solution? The answer is an emphatic YES, thanks to the Synopsis app. Through the app, a therapist can easily and quickly communicate with colleagues by simply pressing a few buttons.

This app is packed with some impressive features such as:

  • The therapist-user can share a patient’s profile with a colleague, irrespective of whether the latter is registered on the app or not.
  • The colleague can access all the information the therapist has recorded, such as evaluation, goal setting, progress and performance of the patient, and even the comments regarding sessions.

The Synopsis app, besides enabling easier communication within a team of therapists, also saves time and reduces extra work burden for an individual therapist, thereby resulting in stress-free duty hours.

A demonstration test will convince you!

From the Synopsis Team

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