Pieces of papper with different colours, hanging from clothespins. Each papper is written with a letter and they form the word Goals

Goal setting in the therapy process

Angelina Chatzaki

The Synopsis app has been designed to facilitate the work of the therapist. Setting goals through the app is easy and fast.

Goal setting in the therapy process

The daily routine of a therapist does not, as many may believe, only include therapy sessions. Therapists are well aware that this job involves a lot of preparation, organisation and data recording for each of the patients.

So you have done the assessment and recorded in which areas the patient is performing low and high. The next stage is to set therapeutic goals. This stage is often confusing to younger therapists and is a time-consuming process for both novice and experienced therapists.

The Synopsis app is designed to facilitate this process. The way the process of setting goals is done through the app is easy and fast.

Once you enter the basic information, the patient profile is created, in which you can define the patient's therapy plan and in particular the assignments-goals. The process starts by clicking a button, namely "Add assignment". Then the process consists of two steps:

Step 1: you can select an activity tag directly or you can search for activities by typing the name of the activity or of the tag in the search field. Once a tag is selected, then all the activities of that tag are displayed below. You can select as many activities of that tag as you want. Clicking "next" takes you to:

Step 2: here you can set all the conditions of the assignment, which when fulfilled, the activity is considered complete and successful. More specifically we have the assignment goal and the completion criteria. In the assignment goal you can choose an overall rating, the ideal action retention time or/and the ideal help provided. In the completion criteria you will be able to set either the number or the percentage of successful sessions or the number of successful sessions in a row. Detailed explanations will always be found in this step.

By clicking "finish" these two steps have been completed, so the assignment has been created. Of course the second step is optional and the assignment can be created without it if you do not wish to do so. To add a new goal assignment from a different tag repeat the same procedure.

In case you don't find the activity you want, the app has the solution for that too! From the menu you select "My Practice" and there you can very quickly create your own activity by simply typing the name of the activity and selecting an existing label. If you also want your own tag, you can create it by simply typing the name in the search field and selecting add.

As tedious as setting up goals can be, the Synopsis app makes the process look like a breeze! A trial will definitely convince you.

From the Synopsis Team

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